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The Happiness Factor — HR. Coms. TV. Movies. Pop Culture.

We’ve all heard people say that happiness comes from within. But what does that mean? Is there some sort of zen arena you reach at a certain age? Does fulfillment come from happiness or is it vice versa? A few weeks ago, a friend and I were strolling around downtown, checking out Nordstrom, Holt Renfrew and taking […]

via The Happiness Factor — HR. Coms. TV. Movies. Pop Culture.

The Happiness Factor

We’ve all heard people say that happiness comes from within. But what does that mean? Is there some sort of zen arena you reach at a certain age? Does fulfillment come from happiness or is it vice versa? A few weeks ago, a friend and I were strolling around downtown, checking out Nordstrom, Holt Renfrew and taking in the eye candy. We started talking about the concept of happiness and when she asked “what would make you happy?” I jokingly replied “that Tory Burch purse!”  (although truth be told, it would make me extremely happy as it was a beautiful purse). Of course this naturally led to a dialogue in happiness as materiality. You’ve probably read many articles where they say not to wait for happiness – that happiness does not come once you are married, or have children, or find the perfect job, or become a millionaire. You can do all these things and still be unhappy. Really? Can I try please? I would like to make an informed opinion. Many celebrities have said that money didn’t buy them happiness, but it did make life easier – and if life is easier, there are less problems and less stress – which leads to happiness right? Wrong. I’ve been in situations where I am stress free – but still unhappy. And I’ve been in situations where I am falling ill from the stress – but I am quite happy. I guess it depends on the specifics. I remember asking my cousin a few years ago “Are you happy?” to which he immediate replied “No. I can’t remember the last time I was happy.” A couple of other friends – both males – were asking each other – “Are you happily married or just married?” to which the other replied “Just married.” (of course, their drunken state may have played a part in their Q&A session). So what is happiness, how can we find it, and more importantly, how do we hold on to it?  I’d be curious to hear your thoughts as I continue my own search. Happy Happiness Hunting!

Cover Letter or Not to Cover Letter? That is the question.

With limited time and many tasks looming, do recruiters read cover letters that are submitted by candidates? As a job seeker, I’ve often wondered whether writing, re-writing and editing a cover letter is time worth spent. All Career Practitioners or Counsellors say yes – the cover letter is your ad to get your foot in the door. But as a recruiter – I have to admit – I rarely read them. I would go straight to the resume – specifically the education and work experience sections – to determine whether the candidate was a good fit. When you are applying for a dozen or so jobs a week – it is difficult to find the time to sit down and relate each cover letter (and resume) to the specific job for which you are applying.

Isn’t it more important to concentrate on the skills section in your CV – to ensure it matches what the organization is looking for?

What are your thoughts?